Eagle Six Line Tour
The grand slam. All six lines. You can’t get a better experience. Takes up to 2.5 hours
All of the lines in the Falcon tour PLUS:
“The Dangle-ator”. Do the Dangle™ on our signature line: zip upside down 250ft in the air! This long line takes you skimming over the tops of beautiful aspens, through an avenue of majestic Douglas Firs and onto a plateau in the canyon where you’ll enjoy magnificent vistas of the entire valley.
“The Powerline” Fast, long, high. This line has it all. Epic vistas, sky-high soaring and a long, long ride. This long, fast line takes you from the highest point on the course, past majestic pines and way below you flows the beautiful Deep Creek.
Family games, Puzzlearium and picnic area.