Epic Fun
This was my first time ziplining and it was an incredible experience. Zipzone promised adrenaline and delivered in spades: the first step off the platform was exhilerating! What came as a complete surprise, though, was the smoothness of the ride, the calm and quiet, and the pure magic of being suspended in the air. The scenery is magnificent and being able to enjoy a bird’s eye view of Peachland’s Deep Canyon was spectacular.
I expected ziplining to be akin to an extreme sport but the truth is it was like soaring. It is not just for the thrill seeker, it really is for the whole family. In my group there was a spritely 89-year-old man, and the day before I learned that a budding 4-year-old adventurer tandem-zipped with a guide. The adventure park in fact offers more than just the six zip lines: there is a puzzle area with games and along the nature walks between one line and the next you can find brain teasers and funny jokes.
Zipzone’s staff are knowledgeable and friendly. Before we set off, they patiently went through how everything worked, helped with your gear and gave a demonstration. I was a little nervous at first, but their expertise, thoroughness and humour put me at ease. Thank you Tristan and Jeanine for an unforgettable day!