Main Tether
Connects to the main suspension point.
Everything we do is designed to maximize your fun, thrills and comfort, while at the same time keeping you safe. Our safety gear is expensive, and there is none better. It is the same gear used by professionals working at height all over the world.
Our most important safety feature is our well-trained guides. Every member of staff goes through extensive technical training and is backed up by an emergency management team that stands ready to deal with anything that might happen.
And their most important tool? Their great smile to put you at ease and make your day truly fun
Our systems are fail-safe, with built in redundancy, so that you always have two separate safety mechanisms protecting you
Connects to the main suspension point.
Uses a completely separate safety system that uses no common connection points.
The backup attachment point carries a “Riding carabineer” that clips over the zipline.
Safety doesn’t happen by accident. We use the latest technological innovations to keep you safe
ZipZone is one of the first zipline companies in the world to use IRWC 6×19 compacted strand steel wire, meaning the ride is quieter, smoother and faster!
Our cable is 30% stronger than conventional zipline cable and rated to 32,000 lbs!
To make sure your legs and feet cannot contact the zipwire or the trolley while you are freestyle zipping, we use a special tether that allows you to fly upside down safely, keeping toes and laces well out of harm’s way.
Please take advantage of our online reservation system or call our awesome guest services team. We’re here to help!